Friday, 5 November 2010


It is 5th November - a date commonly referred to in the UK as "bonfire night" or "Guy Fawkes."

It is the date when the UK celebrates the foiled attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament in the 17th Century.

There are bonfires lit all across the country.  And firework displays - professional as well as DIY.

Kids love it.  Adults too.

When I was very young I got very excited at this time of year.  My folks never took me to an organised firework display, but there were always lots let off by regular people, so there was plenty to see.

One year my dad suggested he and I took some household detritus to the local bonfire just before it was lit.

We packed up a load of stuff and he had a couple of bags and boxes he'd prepared earlier, including an old blue suitcase.

We got there and I excitedly helped unload all the stuff and pile it up on the bonfire.  Then we hung around for a while until it was lit.  It felt thrilling having helped build up the bonfire and then standing there basking in the heat from the flames.

It was getting late so we headed home.

I got ready for bed.  PJs on, teeth cleaned, hair brushed.

All that was missing now.... my panda.  I had a soft-toy panda bear.  I'd had it from shortly after the time I was born.  He & I were pretty much inseparable, except I'd never take him out of the house for fear of dropping him or losing him.

This evening though, Panda had gone awol.

I asked my parents.  They looked shifty.

My mother said something about Panda having a funny smell that wouldn't wash out.

Then my dad laughed and informed me that Panda had, in fact, been in the old blue suitcase that I'd not long before excitedly helped put on the bonfire.

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